He tries to make everyone's experience a good one. The manager on site is extremely helpful and understanding. I can honestly say one of the better renting and living experiences I've had in LA. But overall, slow or non-existent responses to relatively major, safety-related concerns keep it from being a place I would choose to live. Overall, the apartments are attractive and it seems like a great community. It's great that they simply bought a nice new appliance, but it meant nearly a month of hotplate or microwave cooking for us. While this is certainly not the fault of management, the response left us without a working oven for weeks while they sent first a handyman, then an appliance service person who decided it was an expensive repair, then a handyman again to re-evaluate, then finally ordered a new range which took an additional week to arrive. In 2020 a power surge damaged the range in our kitchen. The water dried up, the HVAC was fine and we were left with some paint and plaster damage to live with. Ultimately the situation was resolved by negligence. When a service person arrived, the service person who showed up was an HVAC tech-he told us water leaking in the roof was not his problem. Management responded that the earliest they could get someone out was in about four days time-so we lived with water dripping in and no heat. We placed an emergency call because there was obviously a roof issue and we were uncomfortable running the heat with the water leak. Requests to fix this would result in some adjustment, usually several days after the request was made and security continued to be an issue.ĭuring recent rains, we had water leaking into our upper level apartment through an overhead HVAC unit. A couple of times someone hadn't even bothered to take the package, but opened the shipping boxes in the entry area, took the goods and left the packaging. At the worst of times it was stolen packages. Result? Strangers entering the courtyard and knocking on your door at the best of times. The locking entry gate to 5820 actually closed and locked about 50% of the two years that we lived there. Responsiveness of management and maintenance of fixtures such as security gates and in-apartment issues is slow at best and at times non-existent. It can be a bit difficult to explain if you're on a Zoom call. Count on your dishes and shelves shaking when your neighbors do laundry.

In-unit washers are a combination washer drier, they're actually very nice if a bit small, but the apartments are lightly built. Friendliness of maintenance and cleaning staff was excellent. Cleanliness of exterior areas, mail room and parking garage is maintained nicely. Nice fixtures and finishes for the most part. Overall these are nice, clean, bright apartments.